How to remove the Annoying certification warning pop-up on VMware View 5.0 Client is pretty straight forward. I know this is a pain, but for CP Compliance the default behavior was changed.
NOTE: DO NOT ADD THIS TO A GPO WITH SERVERS!!!!! If added to View Brokers or any servers with non-trusted certs, SSL connections will be BLOCKED!!!
NOTE: DO NOT ADD THIS TO A GPO WITH SERVERS!!!!! If added to View Brokers or any servers with non-trusted certs, SSL connections will be BLOCKED!!!
This can be done as a local policy or as a GPO update for computer hardware based policies.
a) On the local machine or AD Server import the vdm_client.adm template
1) Gpedit.msc
2) Add the vdm_client.adm template from_C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Client\extras (copy to server for GPO change)
b) Enable the setting for “Certification Verification Mode” and set for "No Security" to bypass security cert checking.